hi. didn't know where else to put this,
But its good to just be blunt
So, you want to know me more?
Your fault


I'm trans. I've known for a long while, but im not out
It's just, not the right time. Right now I'm... ok with how i look
obviously i dont like it, but, it's better than it was before
lost alot of weight, did my hair alot better... it's livable
She/They, if you're interested


Good Question
as far as I'm concerned, I'm bi
or Pan, one or the other
Not AT ALL ready for anything serious
I do not trust myself in a relationship
A disaster for all parties involved

Ur Weird

I know
I weird people out alot
I'm getting better, but
Sorry if i make you feel weird
Tell me if I am
Don't just ghost me
It's much better to just say directly
'Fuck Off' or 'Leave Me Alone'
Because I am an expert at that


well, that's about it. thank you
